Sunday, March 29, 2009

My cute boys in there Easter suits.

The Boys in there Easter suits. How handsome are they? Landon loved this, he was so happy to have a suit like his daddy, he just kept giggling.

And i couldn't help but put these pictures of Rowan on here. I asked her to smile and this is what she did.
I love this one she, was tyring to smile. she looks so chubby.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

1 of 3 new posts

Rowan loves shoes, sunglasses, and purses. Every day she will pick out her own shoes and if i put a pair on that she didn't pick she gets so mad and will say "no no no". She is always putting everyones shoes on, so she will run around with my shoes, Jareds and the boys.
Here is Rowan at the store, she found these glasses and would not take them off.

How can you say no when see looks at you like that. And they look so cute on.

She wanted to see the pictures i was taking.

There she is, in my shoes before church.

So my kids love to dress up, Landon is the worst he has a costumes on every day all day, as soon as he gets home from school he puts something on. But one day Gavin joined in on the fun and this is what we got.

Landon and his move. so he says

The boys fighting.

They are so funny.

2 of 3 new posts/ Gavin started Tball

I asked Gavin if i could take a picture, and this is what i got out of him. oh Gavin.
Gavin running home. So cute.
Gavin, up to bat.

We will call this one his practice swing.

Out on the field warming up.

Gavin is good at anything he tries, and he loves to do it all. What a great kid.

3 of 3 new posts

I know its been a really long time, I just havent been up to blogging, it always seems i have to much to do. So this last weekend Jared needed some time off(because he has been working so hard)and he wanted to go to L.A. to see my mom. So we went to L.A. we did all the things we love to do, we went to the beach, and went to universal studios.

The kids in our new van, watching the DVD player.
Rowan didn't know if she liked the sand.
Jared and the kids, Jared is always making the kids pose for pictures.
Gavin, doing what he does best. Being wild, getting dirty, and having fun.
Landon thinking of the best way to keep clean.
See what i mean about Gavin? And Rowan just wanted to do what her brothers are doing.
My kids LOVE the beach.

The boys in the water.

Gavin lost his 3rd tooth at his Grandmas house.

The kids and i at universal studios. One of the three men in back is real, can you tell which one?
Sweet Landon picking a flower for his sister.
The boys with scooby doo. They both love scooby doo.

This is one of Rowans many looks. So much attitude.
Rowan in the shrek 3d glasses.
Landon in line.

Rowan had no idea who she was, she just kept asking her for hugs.
Gavin and jaws.
Rowan loving her daddy.
Gavin and the hulk.
As always we had so much fun, thanks for loving us mom and always wanting us around. The kids love seeing you when ever they can.