Friday, September 28, 2007

Work out time.

So after having kids i grand a lot of wight and we just had our last baby. So what does that mean? well it time to lost the weight and that means eating right and working out which is not the funnest thing in the world to do. Jared got us a gym member ship at golds gym and we have gone ever day from signing up and it feels good to work out. This is the thing i don't keep with it for very long and i need to be pushed so i figure if i tell all you that I'm going to lost the weigh, well then the pressure is on. I want to lose about 40lb., more if i can do it so i will report back on my progress when there is any. Ok here i go.


Trent & Emily Davies said...

Good luck!! I need to hit the gym but there is just not enough time in the day!

Tiffani said...

Stay motivated because the pounds will probably take longer than you would like to "melt" off. I know you can do it. Keep us posted on your progress.

Anita Baker said...

good idea. i need to lose about the same amount.

good luck. i hate working out! you are amazing!

Sarah said...

Hey. This Sarah (Webb) Watford. I found your blog through the Morgans. Me and Jared were buddies in high school. Lots of good times cruising around Rocklin, Stake dances etc..Please say hi to him for me. You have such an adorable family!!

Bree said...

Good Luck! I'm on a 2-3 year break on having anymore and I'm doing the whole work out thing too. It's Great! (: