Sunday, February 3, 2008

I DID IT!!!!!!!

Ok so im sooooo happy im always talking about it but i finally did it. I lost 10 lb. and have been working so hard. Im going to the gym 5 times a week for 2 hours and eating healther food all day long. It hasnt been easy and i have gone out to eat with jared and eaten thing i wish i didnt but all in all im doing better then i ever have before. I have to admit that it help that Jared and i are going to the Bahamas at the end of April it just the push i needed but i count on keeping up with it long after. So 30 more lb. to go wish me luck.


Anita Baker said...

congrats! keep up the good work!

you are inspiring me to start thinking about working out!

working out? what's that? ha ha!

oh yeah and good luck landon!

Trent & Emily Davies said...

Congrats!!! I wish I could find the time to lose some weight! I am sure just about the time I start loosing weight though I will get pregnant again!

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Josh and Michelle said...

Thats awesome, I know how hard it really is to lose 10 pounds, so seriously way to go. Good Luck with the other 30. I am preg right now, But I am already dreading having to lose baby weight again.

chelsea said...

good job! we are having a contest at work so i have been tryin to work my butt off too!

Tiffani said...

A trip always seems to be great motivation. You should be proud of yourself, keep up the good work!

Bree said...

Congratulations!!! That is such a wonderful feeling to know that your hard work is paying off. I just started to work out myself and it is really hard to keep going with the 3 kids. I know how hard it must be for you, so I am really happy for you! Keep it up! (;