Sunday, January 4, 2009

Trip to L.A.

So for my Birthday my mom paid for us to go to L.A. it was a lot of fun. We went to the Aquarium of the Pacific and Ripley's Believe It or Not. It was all really fun we went to Ripley's Believe It or Non't for Gavin. He loves the books and we thought he would love the museum. He didn't like it at all he cried through the whole thing it was not fun. But the kids loved The Aquarium of the pacific, we all did, it was a cool place.

Landon and Rowan looking at all the fish.

Gavin was loving it, he even was brave and pet the sharks and stingrays.
Me and my baby girl.

Rowan and her Grandma.
The boys.

It was so much fun, we had a really good time. Thank you for every thing, Mom. OH, and i cant go with out tell you all I saw Ryan Gosling. For you, who aren't sure who he is, he is the guy that did the note book.
He was just standing there, i look over (we where in the car) and he hugged some girl good bey.

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